Monday, October 22, 2007

Today's Song: How We Operate by Gomez

Heard this song from a film, and thought it was pretty darn good.

Well today has been another boring day in my boring life, only good thing that happened today was getting to watch OTH when i got home, and my friend Lucy now has MSN, so thats pretty rad! I dont know how we can get so obsessed with TV shows, like how a person can get so attactched and hooked onto a show, and when someone dies on the show we feel like weve lost someone in our own family, and we feel so much saddness because of it. I used to watch movies or TV programmes to get away from the crap in my own life, i could escape into other peoples lives for a while, the same with music too, i would listen to music to help me escape, and i still do sometimes. But thats how i managed. Dunno where all that came from, but there you go.

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