Sunday, October 14, 2007

Today's Song: Walking With The Ghost by Tegan and Sara

I wonder if we really do walk with ghosts, i mean, alot of people believe in ghosts, and ghosts are the one thing from the movies that could be real, and i think thats what freaks people out the most, the fact that ghosts actully could be real, people get scared when they dont understand something, and they just ignore it and hope whatever it is will go away, but it never does. I wish i could see ghosts, at least if i did, i would be able to talk with them, and not feel so alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not alone, Emzie!! I'm here? I miss you loads all the time, I'll sit at mcdonalds and imagine you being there aswell cuz you're fun talking to and I enjoy it very much, hopefully the feeling's mutual.

I'll cya later:D

Mwah kiss kiss xxxx

Love ya