Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today's Song: Arterial Black by Drist

OK, only been a few days this time, I found out some pretty awesome news yesterday, can't remember if I said anything about my cousin, and the f'd up stuff about my family, but to cut a long story short, my mother, and my cousins mother had an argument about 3 years ago, and my mother hung up on her. So since then, they have cut us all out of their lives, and stopped me seeing my cousin. Well he's now nearly 9, and my mother saw him yesterday, and they got to speak for like an hour, he told my mother that he misses us, and he wants to see us again too.. how AMAZING!! is that? I think I'm still in shock, because I really do miss him, it was like he was my little boy, as we used to spend so much time together. I just hope things aren't going to stop there, and that I WILL see him again soon.

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