Sunday, November 29, 2009

Today's Song: Brick By Boring Brick by Paramore

Goodness, looooong time no post.

Where to start, quite a few things have happened in the last few months since my latest entry. gotten a year older, been to my first proper music festival (which was awesome by the way), even though I did get severe sunburn and heatstroke, it was amazing and I can't wait to go again next year. The band there were great, I even got to see one of my favourite bands live, which are Lacuna Coil. The sun and heat was intense though, I had major awful hayfever, and my eyes got so bad at one point I could hardly see out of them. Ended up wearing sunglasses 24 hours a day, which did my eyes no good at all. I STILL have the tan marks from that weekend, which was about 5 months ago now.

Had a couple other birthdays as well, started using my Blackberry phone more too, mainly only so I can go on the internet at work. But I'm starting to really love the Blackberry now. Wouldn't be without it.

Got a haircut, it's now a little shorter and I have a fringe, which I'm still getting used to. Not 100% sure if I like it fully or not yet. And in a few hours, my hair will be dark (hopefully) Purple. Haven't been Purple yet, been red, black, black with red highlights and brown, but not Purple, should be interesting.

Also, another thing that has happened, quite recently as well, is having to have my dog put to sleep. He was 13 years old, had cancer, and was in pain etc, so I know it was the right thing to do, but I miss him so much, he was part of this family, and had since I was about 10. That's a LONG time. Nothing is the same anymore, it feels kind of empty around the house, I have a cat too, so it's not totally empty (and I live with my parents & sister), but Smudge (the dog) was partly mine as much as he was the family pet. I still walk in the door and expect to see him there, to see him run up and greet me.

It's so hard when a dog or cat dies, it's like a big chunk of you gets ripped out, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Anyway, I'm going to stop there for today. I will try and post more often.

R.I.P. Smudge! <3

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