Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today's Song: Paralyzer by Finger Eleven

So its been a few days since my last thought, nothing much has happened in those few days, nothing ever does. Evertime i hear this song i think of how i feel about someone, i have such strong feelings for this person and they wont go away. Its not like i can actually tell them either. *sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try telling the person you feel that way about them, if it's impossible maybe you should try to ignore it? I know it's rough but if it's impossible to tell the person, then try to think like this: Is the person I like really someone I would want to think about my whole life and not find someone else because of that person. That would be sad.
Be well and take care:)

We'll talk later right?


MWAH (Kiss kiss)

//your friend